
Mindfulness for Business: Invest in Your Employees, Invest in Success

Boost Productivity and Profitability while Creating a Positive Work Culture!

The Corporate Cost of Stressed Employees

Employee stress is not just an individual concern—it's a significant cost for employers. While it may not always be visible on balance sheets, the hidden expenses of stressed employees can accumulate and take a toll on your organization's bottom line.

If you're an employer or manager, you understand the vital role that your employees play in the success of your organization. However, the challenges of today's fast-paced work environment have given rise to a silent and growing problem—employee stress.

Stressed employees are like hidden time bombs, affecting not only their own well-being but also the productivity and bottom line of your organization. When stress goes unaddressed, it can lead to reduced focus, lower productivity, frequent absenteeism, and, worst of all, the ominous specter of employee burnout.

As an employer or manager, you've likely witnessed the daily struggle your employees face. The emotional turmoil, the lack of concentration, and the constant exhaustion—it's a vicious cycle that affects their performance and engagement. The consequences for your organization are tangible, from missed opportunities to project delays and increased operational costs.

But that's not all. The threat of employee burnout looms large. Burnout can lead to high turnover rates, extended leaves of absence, and even legal complications, creating a toxic work environment that harms both individuals and the organization as a whole.

Impacts of Stress in the Workplace

Reduced Productivity

Stressed employees often struggle to maintain their focus and productivity levels. They may find it challenging to meet deadlines, accomplish tasks efficiently, and make sound decisions. The result? Missed opportunities, delayed projects, and lower revenue generation.

Employee Turnover

Stressed employees are more likely to seek new job opportunities. High turnover rates can incur substantial costs related to recruitment, training, and onboarding for new hires. Losing valuable team members disrupts workflow and adds uncertainty to project timelines.


Stress-related health issues can lead to frequent sick days and unplanned absences. These disruptions can impact your team's productivity and hinder the completion of critical projects, affecting your organization's overall performance.

Healthcare Costs

Stressed employees may require more medical attention due to stress-related illnesses. These additional healthcare expenses can be a financial burden, both for your employees and your organization, leading to increased health insurance claims.

Burnout Impact

The consequences of unaddressed stress can escalate to employee burnout. Burnout often results in extended leaves of absence, temporary disability claims, and potential legal ramifications. The costs associated with managing burnout are significant and can strain your organization's resources.

The Ripple Effect

It's important to note that the financial repercussions of stressed employees extend beyond the individuals themselves. The negative atmosphere generated by stress can impact team dynamics, morale, and overall workplace culture, further affecting productivity and creativity.

The Hidden Threat of Employee Stress: Burnout

In the corporate world, burnout is a lurking specter that threatens both employees and organizations. It's a silent but pervasive issue that often goes unnoticed until it's too late. Burnout is not merely the result of overwork—it's the culmination of chronic stress and unchecked emotional exhaustion.

When stress is left unaddressed, it can escalate to employee burnout. Burnout often results in extended leaves of absence, temporary disability claims, and potential legal ramifications. Managing burnout can strain your organization's resources, requiring HR involvement, legal support, and additional administrative tasks.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion often caused by prolonged periods of high stress. It can manifest as a sense of overwhelming fatigue, detachment from work, and a loss of motivation. When burnout takes hold, it affects not only the individual but also the entire organization.

The Toll on Individuals:

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Burnout leads to emotional depletion, making individuals feel drained and detached from their work, colleagues, and personal lives.
  • Reduced Productivity: Burnout hinders productivity, making even simple tasks feel like insurmountable challenges.
  • Health Implications: The physical and mental toll of burnout can lead to a range of health problems, from insomnia and depression to cardiovascular issues.

The Consequences for Organizations:

  • High Employee Turnover: Burnout is a leading factor in employees seeking new opportunities elsewhere, resulting in high turnover rates and associated recruitment costs.
  • Decreased Morale: The presence of burnout can create a negative workplace culture, leading to decreased morale among team members.
  • Lower Productivity: Burnout directly impacts productivity, with exhausted employees unable to perform at their best.
  • Legal Risks: In some cases, burnout can lead to legal complications, particularly if employees are pushed to their limits without adequate support.

The Silent Threat:

What makes burnout particularly insidious is its gradual progression. It often begins with minor symptoms that are easy to overlook. As time goes on, these symptoms intensify, ultimately leading to a state of complete exhaustion.

Burnout doesn't discriminate—it can affect employees at all levels and in various roles. Left unaddressed, it can have devastating consequences for both individuals and the organizations they work for.

woman on beach

The Weight of Stress: A Day in the Life of Sarah

Sarah woke up to the harsh blare of her alarm clock. She groaned as she forced herself to sit up, rubbing her tired eyes. Another day, another battle with stress.

As a middle manager in a corporate financial institution, Sarah's role was pivotal. She was responsible for overseeing multiple projects, liaising with clients, and ensuring her team met tight deadlines. The pressure was constant, and it weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Her morning routine was a whirlwind. Sarah rushed to get ready, preparing breakfast for her family while simultaneously checking her overflowing email inbox. Her thoughts were already consumed by the tasks awaiting her at the office.

Arriving at the office, Sarah's stress level skyrocketed. Her calendar was a mosaic of back-to-back meetings, and her to-do list seemed never-ending. She barely had time to breathe, let alone savor her morning coffee.

The pressure from clients was relentless. Sarah could feel the weight of their expectations pressing down on her. One client wanted immediate revisions to a project, another demanded a progress report, and her phone seemed to buzz incessantly with urgent requests. Sarah juggled it all, but the sense of being overwhelmed was a constant companion.

Lunchtime was a blur. Sarah barely had time to grab a sandwich from the office cafeteria before diving back into her work. The rare moments of respite were filled with anxiety about the looming deadlines and the nagging feeling that she was falling behind.

As the afternoon dragged on, fatigue set in. Sarah's eyes felt heavy, and her thoughts became foggy. She struggled to concentrate during meetings, often missing important details and leaving colleagues frustrated. The mounting stress was taking a toll on her ability to perform at her best.

By the time the workday ended, Sarah felt utterly drained. She returned home, but her mind was still racing with work-related concerns. Her attempts at relaxation were often interrupted by the ping of incoming emails, a cruel reminder that the demands of her job never truly ceased.

As Sarah lay in bed that night, she couldn't help but wonder if this relentless cycle of stress was sustainable. She longed for a reprieve, a way to regain control of her life and find a sense of balance.

The Ripple Effect of Stressed Employees

Stressed employees don't just suffer silently; their stress has a ripple effect that touches every aspect of your workplace, creating a dynamic that can hinder growth and success. Here's how the consequences of stress extend beyond individual employees:

1. Team Dynamics:

Stress can spread like wildfire among team members. When one employee is overwhelmed, their stress can affect the entire team's morale and productivity. Tensions rise, collaboration diminishes, and a once-cohesive team can become fractured.

2. Decreased Morale:

Stressed employees often express frustration, dissatisfaction, and negativity. These emotions are contagious and can lead to a pervasive sense of low morale among your workforce. As morale declines, so does employee engagement and enthusiasm for their work.

3. Work Environment:

A workplace characterized by stressed employees can become toxic. The constant tension, short tempers, and lack of emotional well-being can erode the positive aspects of your work environment, making it a less appealing place for talented individuals to thrive.

4. Employee Engagement:

Stressed employees are less likely to be engaged in their work. They may become disinterested or disengaged, resulting in a lack of commitment to their tasks, projects, and the organization's mission. Low employee engagement can hinder innovation and creativity.

5. Creativity and Innovation:

Stress hampers creative thinking and innovation. Stressed employees are often focused on survival mode, leaving little mental space for exploring new ideas or strategies. A lack of creativity can limit your organization's ability to adapt and grow.

6. Customer Relationships:

Stressed employees may struggle to provide quality customer service. Their inability to manage stress effectively can lead to impatience, miscommunication, and even strained client relationships. This can impact client satisfaction and retention.

7. Organizational Reputation:

A workplace with high stress levels can develop a negative reputation in the industry. Word travels fast, and potential clients, partners, and employees may think twice about engaging with an organization known for its stressful work culture.

8. Overall Productivity:

Collectively, the ripple effect of stressed employees results in decreased overall productivity. Projects take longer to complete, innovation stalls, and your organization's growth potential is stifled.

Recognizing the ripple effect of stress on your organization is crucial for understanding the full scope of the problem. Addressing the root causes of stress and empowering your employees to manage it effectively can reverse these negative consequences and create a more positive and productive workplace.

Introducing the "Mindful at Work" Series: Elevate Employee Well-being and Productivity

Our "Mindful at Work" series is designed with a singular purpose—to empower your employees with practical mindfulness techniques that can be seamlessly integrated into their daily work routines. These techniques equip individuals with the tools they need to manage stress effectively, improve focus, and regain control of their well-being.

Ready to take the first step toward transforming your workplace into a stress-free and thriving environment? We invite you to schedule a consultation with us today. During this personalized consultation, we'll discuss your organization's unique needs, challenges, and goals. Together, we'll explore how the "Mindful at Work" series can be tailored to fit seamlessly into your corporate culture and contribute to lasting well-being and success.

Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has emerged as a powerful tool for managing stress, enhancing focus, and nurturing resilience. At Bliss More, Stress Less, we understand that the well-being of your employees is intrinsically linked to the success of your organization.

Tailored for the Workplace

Our "Mindful at Work" series is designed with a singular purpose—to empower your employees with practical mindfulness techniques that can be seamlessly integrated into their daily work routines. 

These techniques equip individuals with the tools they need to manage stress effectively, improve focus, and regain control of their well-being.


We understand that time is a precious commodity in the business world. That's why our sessions are designed to fit into the busiest of schedules. 

Each session is just 30 minutes, scheduled at your convenience so that your employees can experience the profound benefits of mindfulness without disrupting their workday.

Experienced Facilitator

Stephanie Osborn is an experienced mindfulness facilitator, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to each session. 

Her work in the corporate world combined with expertise in mindfulness ensures a transformative and engaging experience for your employees.

About Stephanie Osborn

Stephanie Osborn was a manager in the corporate world for several Fortune 500 companies for the first 20 years of her career. She left the corporate world to pursue her passion of incorporating health and wellness into business and founded her company, Bliss More, Stress Less.

Stephanie is an accomplished speaker and trainer and has been training groups of people throughout her career, on various topics from staff development to stress management and emotional intelligence.

Stephanie earned both her Bachelor of Science in Finance and her Masters in Business Administration with a concentration in Management from Bentley University.  She is a certified Integrated Wellness coach through the Integrated Wellness Academy.  She holds a certificate in Stress Management from the University of Central Florida, and is also a certified Meditation Facilitator. 

Stephanie often combines mindfulness with her love of nature, and can be found walking the beach or sitting on her deck watching the hummingbirds in summertime.

Benefits of Mindfulness in the Workplace


Enhanced Productivity

Focused and Engaged Employees: Mindful employees are more focused on their tasks and deeply engaged in their work. They're better equipped to tackle challenges, make sound decisions, and meet deadlines efficiently.

Creativity and Innovation: Mindfulness fosters a more creative mindset. Your employees will be better positioned to think outside the box, explore new ideas, and contribute to innovative solutions.


Reduced Turnover

Increased Employee Satisfaction: A workplace that values employee well-being and offers mindfulness resources is more likely to have satisfied employees. Content employees are less likely to seek job opportunities elsewhere, reducing turnover rates.

Savings on Recruitment and Training: Lower turnover rates translate into cost savings. You'll spend less on recruitment, onboarding, and training new hires.


Lower Absenteeism

Healthier Employees: Mindful employees are more attuned to their physical and emotional well-being, leading to fewer stress-related illnesses. This results in fewer sick days and a more consistent workflow.


Healthcare Savings

Fewer Healthcare Expenses: Stressed employees often require more medical attention due to stress-related health issues. As stress levels decrease, healthcare expenses for both employees and the organization decrease, leading to significant cost savings.


Burnout Prevention

A Healthier Workforce: Proactive stress management ensures that burnout remains at bay. A healthy and engaged workforce reduces the risk of burnout-related leave and its associated costs.


Positive Workplace Culture

Improved Morale: A workplace that prioritizes mindfulness and well-being often experiences an increase in morale among employees. Higher morale leads to improved collaboration, better teamwork, and a more positive work environment.

Enhanced Employee Loyalty: Employees are more likely to stay loyal to an organization that invests in their well-being and personal growth.


Organizational Reputation

Positive External Perception: Organizations that prioritize employee well-being tend to have a positive reputation in the industry. This reputation can attract top talent and clients who appreciate your commitment to creating a healthy and balanced work culture.

The Evidence Is Clear

Employees who consistently practice mindfulness are more productive, absent less often and report feeling less stressed.


Increase in productivity


Decrease in absenteeism


Reduction in stress

 Resilient Employees

Are Successful Employees

Imagine a workforce that not only manages stress effectively but also thrives in the face of adversity. That's the promise of resilient employees—individuals who possess the inner strength to weather life's storms and emerge stronger than before. By embracing the "Mindful at Work" series, your organization can unlock this remarkable potential within your team:


Resilient employees adapt seamlessly to organizational changes, whether it's a shift in strategy, market conditions, or technology. They are your front-line champions of innovation and progress.

Emotionally Balanced

 Resilience equips employees to remain calm and composed during high-pressure situations. They make sound decisions, diffuse conflicts, and maintain their focus when it matters most.

Resilient employees tend to have a more optimistic outlook, which can boost team morale and inspire their colleagues, even in challenging times.

Enhanced Well-being

Resilient employees have the tools to manage stress effectively. They can navigate demanding workloads with grace, reducing the risk of burnout and stress-related health issues.

Resilience promotes work-life balance. Employees who are resilient are more likely to prioritize self-care and well-being, leading to greater overall life satisfaction.

Team Collaboration

Resilient employees are more supportive of their colleagues during challenging periods. They foster a sense of unity and cohesion within teams, leading to better collaboration and synergy.

Leadership Potential

Resilient employees often emerge as natural leaders. Their ability to navigate adversity and inspire others positions them as valuable assets to your organization's leadership pipeline.

Increased Productivity

Resilient employees maintain consistent levels of performance, even in the face of stress or setbacks. This reliability benefits both individual tasks and broader project outcomes.

Employee Retention

Resilient employees tend to stay with their organizations longer. Their ability to navigate challenges and find fulfillment in their roles fosters loyalty to your organization.

By investing in the well-being and resilience of your employees through the "Mindful at Work" series, you're not only ensuring their personal growth and satisfaction but also fortifying your organization's capacity to thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Elevate Your Corporate Well-being

Ready to take the first step toward transforming your workplace into a stress-free and thriving environment? 

We invite you to schedule a consultation with us today. During this personalized consultation, we'll discuss your organization's unique needs, challenges, and goals. 

Together, we'll explore how the "Mindful at Work" series can be tailored to fit seamlessly into your corporate culture and contribute to lasting well-being and success.

Embrace Calm, Achieve Success

The "Mindful at Work" series is an invaluable investment for companies because it equips employees, including managers, with practical tools to manage stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being.

This program not only nurtures a healthier and more productive workforce but also ensures a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.

Program Details

The "Mindful at Work" series consists of ten 30-minute sessions to help employees deal with stress in the workplace:

  1. Introduction to Mindfulness and Breath Focus
  2. Body Scan for Relaxation 
  3. Cultivating Self-Compassion 
  4. Empathy and Understanding Others 
  5. Mindful Decision-Making 
  6. Managing Workplace Stress
  7. Work-Life Balance
  8. Overcoming Obstacles with Resilience 
  9. Mindful Listening and Communication 
  10. Cultivating Daily Mindfulness Habits 

Sessions are facilitated in person or virtually, depending on your organization's needs. You can choose to schedule all ten sessions or simply try out one session.

Mindful at Work

1 Session     $249

10 Sessions   $2199

In-person or virtual sessions

Convenient scheduling

Additional Resources

Building Lasting Well-being and Success

Consistency is the cornerstone of lasting well-being and success, both for individuals and organizations. In the context of the "Mindful at Work" series, consistency plays a pivotal role in reaping the full benefits of mindfulness and achieving transformative results:

Stress Prevention 

Consistency in mindfulness practice ensures that stress is consistently managed. Employees become better equipped to handle stress as it arises, preventing it from reaching debilitating levels.

Employee Engagement

Consistency in mindfulness practice leads to increased employee engagement over time. Engaged employees are more committed, motivated, and invested in their work.

Organizational Resilience

An organization with consistent mindfulness practices is more adaptable and resilient. It can navigate changes, crises, and challenges with greater ease and agility.


How long is a session?

A session is 30 minutes and can be scheduled during the time of day that best suits your organization.

Are sessions on-site or virtual?

Sessions can be either on-site at your location or virtual.

How many people can join the session?

For on-site, as many people as your space can hold comfortably. Each participant will need a chair. For virtual, up to 100 participants.

What do we need to host a session?

For on-site, a conference room or a space without distractions (such as other people walking through or loud noises in the space). 

Do we need to wear gym clothes?

No. You can participate in this class in business attire. Participants remain seated during the session.

Find Calm Even in Chaos

Download our free guide to learn the 5 secrets to staying calm in your workplace...even if it's total chaos!


I'm thrilled to have you here, exploring the "Mindful at Work" program—a passion project that I hold close to my heart.

This program isn't just a course; it's a transformative journey designed to help you and your employees conquer challenges and achieve extraordinary results in your professional and personal life.  I'm excited about the positive impact this program can have on your well-being, work, and overall success.  

Your journey to mindfulness and a stress-free workplace begins here, and I can't wait to be a part of your transformation.
